Sunday, April 26, 2009


Matt has been working very hard this weekend with moving rock and planting some trees. Our yard is finally starting to come together, I'm sure our neighbors are happy. I'm way happy too since we now have our Suzy it was making a muddy mess every time she went out potty. She is a quick learner she got to the point where she would walk in and just wait til I cleaned off her paws before going further into the house. We paid landscapers to do the sprinklers and lay the sod, they have some more work but we haven't seen them for almost 2 weeks now. That's what I get for paying them in full. We can't really do anything in front until they finish up but the back hopefully won't be much more to do. We still have a lot of work ahead of us but I think it will look really nice when it is finished. Tatum and Suzy will be so excited to be able to just go out and play.

We Miss You Papa

It's been a month now since we lost Paul Plendl(Matts dad) and not any easier to believe. I've been meaning to put up some kind of tribute ever since but couldn't quite find the words. Paul was was an amazing grandfather. I see the love he freely gave everyday in my husband who loves with the same devotion and passion. He along with his wife Darlene are the most accepting people I have ever met. He never judged anybody and if you were good to him he would be good to you. We all miss him so much everyday. We love you Papa!