Saturday, August 15, 2009

What did you do for your Birthday?

So I went SKYDIVING yesterday, always wanted to but never really thought I would. I decided that my birthday was a good reason to go jump out of a plane. It was pretty crazy, I never really got scared to my suprise. It all seemed a little like a ride at Disneyland or something. p.s. sorry about the underline not quite sure how that happened or how to get rid of it and I already had to download the picture twice so I just went with it.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Candice set up for us to have some family pictures taken and I think they turned out pretty good. I still can't decide which ones to have printed, as you can tell I can't pick my favorites. Any help in that department would be much appreciated.


Back in July we drove out to California and stayed with Matts cousin for a couple days. Matts mom Darlene flew out there to meet us and we all went to Disneyland. We had so much fun!!! It was a great visit with Jeff and Vicki and their boys. Disneyland was hot and sticky but we still had a fantastic time. I was happy to actually be able to ride the rides this time, last time we went to Disney world I was 6 months pregnant with Tatum. I hope everybody loves the picture of Tatum with Mickey because we had to wait in line for over an hour to get it. Tatum really wanted to meet a princess but they don't have them out to meet anymore (at least not that we found). She got to see them on a boat during the nightly show so she was OK with it. I was sad that I didn't get Darlene in mouse ears, oh well. It was just a really great time and we are already trying to figure out when we could go again.